

How to Cite
Ferrer Araújo, N., & Lozano, F. (2024). Memories of Resistance: Repertoires of the Merchants Women of the Santa Rita Popular Market to Re-exist. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 11(1), 63–77. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.7111
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This article is the result of a research and activism exercise carried out with the popular merchant women of the MUCSAS Collective, based on the question: How do the merchant women of Santa Rita construct memories of their resistance in the city of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia? In order to answer this question, a qualitative research with a narrative design and a collective case study was carried out.

As a result, an analysis is presented from a decolonial perspective and generated memories, starting with the context of the Santa Rita popular market in the history of the city and its link with the tourist vocation; followed by a written photograph of the square in order to place the reader in the territory and, finally, in dialogue with the testimonies, the different practices of collective memory deployed by women are addressed.




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Comunicaciones personales

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