

How to Cite
Molina Garrido, G. (2024). Feminist Genealogies: the Voices and My Voice by Nina Ferrer Araujo. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 11(1), 94–96. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.7173
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This document is a review of the book Feminist Genealogies: The Voices and My Voice, under the editorial leadership of Nina Ferrer Araujo, dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of San Buenaventura, in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). The publication emerges in the midst of an intellectual and political panorama characterized by the constant questioning that gender studies and, within them, feminism in its different aspects, make today regarding the effort that we still must make – individually and collectively – to recognize and dispel patriarchal violence that persists in all social structures, especially around economic violence against women. As such, the review addresses the following three questions: 1. Why do I recommend reading this post? 2. What is the order of presentation that the author proposes? and 3. What is the interpretative novelty that Araujo Ferrer offers us in this work?



Arroyo Pizarro, Y. (2012). las Negras. Carolina: Boreales.
Bonnet, P. (2015). Poesía reunida. Bogotá: Lumen.
Ferrer Araujo, N. (2023). Genealogías feministas: las voces y mi voz. Cartagena: Universidad de San Buenaventura.


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