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Viola, Federico Ignacio, Francisco Javier Rodríguez, and David Antonio Pignalitti. 2023. “In the Time of Caress. Considerations Concerning the Question of Human Suffering: Reflexiones En Torno a La cuestión Del Sufrimiento Humano”. Franciscanum 65 (179). https://doi.org/10.21500/01201468.5942.
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The paper proposes a critical approach to the question of evil and human suffering. Within the framework of Levinas’s ethical thinking and from a new perspective on the current conception of language and human body, we intend to call into question every form of rationalism and metaphysical understanding regarding human pain and suffering. The purpose of this study thus consist of outlining a new sort of behavior concerning the question of evil and human weakness, seeking conceptual alternatives of clarifying this complex ethical problem.


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