

How to Cite
Burbano Vallejo, E. L., González Cabo, V., Murgueitio, M., Cruz, L. F., & Moreno, E. (2015). Territorial marketing, an alternative for competitiveness and regional position: case study La Unión, Zarzal, and Cartago. Revista Gestión & Desarrollo, 10(1), 131–151. https://doi.org/10.21500/01235834.624
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A characteristic of the modern world is the highly competitiveness in all fields; first, the world developed products reaching high levels of competitiveness; afterwards this concept moved to services and a product form was given to make them attractive –and why not- competent, but in recent years the leaders of regional authorities have realized that the technology developed for products and services was possible to use to extol the specific virtues of certain regions, such as the vineyards in Europe. The regions have gradually become their names in a brand, reaching a state that is not posible the existence of successful local development processes without a strong identity component. The emphasis on the territory's identity can have a strategic sense, "it is possible to transform the territorial identity and its valuation in an indispensable element that allows the regions to ensure a sustainable development". Therefore, the tools used in territorial marketing lead to research, assess and promote the area in order to stimulate local development. This activity becomes a regional response to the process of globalization.



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