

How to Cite
Pinedo Cantillo, I. A., & Yáñez Canal, J. (2021). Las emociones: una breve historia en su marco filosófico y cultural. Edad Media. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 17(1), 17–27. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.3460 (Original work published May 31, 2019)
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Although emotions are at the core of who we are, their nature and structure continue to be subject of research for different scientific disciplines. However, like many other current re-search topics, emotions have a background and history that should be taken into account to contextualize the concepts, debates and diverse theoretical approaches within the cultural framework and schools of thought that gave rise to them. In this article we make a brief tour through the history of emotions in the Middle Ages in such a way that the reader can recog-nize, in general terms, the original interpretations and postures that triggered the development of multiple theoretical approaches around these physical and mental phenomena that shape our existence



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