

How to Cite
Fernández Jaimes, C. (2021). The question of being today: An analysis from critical theory. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 18(2), 171–179. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.4508 (Original work published November 6, 2020)
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The concept of Being is found in the first questions posed by Greek thinkers, explicitly there are questions such as what is being? Who is the being? What is the sense of being? What is the thing itself? In an attempt to answer these questions, two philosophical traditions were opened: on the side of Parmenides, one that opted for the permanence of being; and on the side of Heraclitus, one that includes being in a constant advent; in the same way, transformations have been generated in which the being is understood either as essence or as existence. However, from these positions, as well as subsequent explanations, an understanding of the being that centers the discussion on the being itself is seen, isolated from an analysis articulated with history and social affairs. However, stemming from Critical Theory and in discussion with psychoanalysis, a possibility is found of understanding the Being in articulation with history, social affairs and subjectivity in such a way that, on the one hand, the emotions around this philosophical problem par excellence were revived, and on the other hand, to investigate the essence of the human being in a historical moment crossed by a neoliberal policy and a consumerist economy in which both the subject and the being are obliterated. It is finally found that in properly human dimensions such as work and language, it is possible to follow a path that allows us to understand the Being in relation to the subjectivity and the dynamics of the current era.



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