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García Echeverri, J. A., Vallejo Cardona, J. D., Duque Naranjo, N., & Jiménez Restrepo, A. (2021). Pedro Laín Entralgo: personal appropriation of the desease. Contributions to a Christian anthropology. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 19(1), 125–143. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.4621 (Original work published May 31, 2021)
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The main objective of this research is to elucidate the concept of disease in the light of the dynamic monism of the Spanish doctor Pedro Laín Entralgo. To do this, the integral anthropological method required in Lainian work is accepted, in order to explain the human being from three ways of knowledge: description (positive sciences), explanation (philosophy) and understanding (poetry, religion). Based on this method, Laín will present man as a dynamic psycho-organic reality (dynamic monism) that is structured in a personal reality (personal monism), managing to unify the human being between biology and biography, enabling the person to be the agent, actor and author of his life, and to live each vital circumstance of this history from the appropriation and delivery. In short, the integral anthropological vision formulated by Laín becomes a special invitation for every person to reinterpret their pathological experience, not as an element that annuls their life, but as a fundamental way of being of man that can catapult him into a state of creation of
a new meaning, in which the disease becomes a resource to signify its existence. A final consideration, in his work Laín invites theologians to give a Christian interpretation of the disease that helps to express its meaning, not as a suffering (pathos), but as a call to give a hopeful witness (be a martyr) to any person who suffers a similar situation.



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