

How to Cite
Vásquez Gómez, V. H., & Benavides Guevara, C. A. (2021). The figure of Beatriz as a Poetic Idealization in Dante Alighieri’s Comedy. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 19(2), 307–320. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.5237 (Original work published August 31, 2021)
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This article aims to examine whether the poetic depiction of Beatriz's character in The Comedy correlates with a projection of the author himself, as an idealized reverie. A critical-hermeneutical reading of Dante’s Comedy is made herein based on Gastón Bachelard’s studies on the phenomenon of poetic reverie, as well as on C. G. Jung’s on dreams and the androgynous nature of the human soul (anima-animus). The article takes two main questions into consideration: What is the psychic status of Dantean  reverie? And, what is the symbolism that the female ideal of Beatriz poetically projects? It's been argued that The Comedy can be understood as a praise of the highest idealized love, while  construing that the values expressed in Beatriz’s ethos and words are nothing more than a projection of the anima of Dante himself, that is to say, that in Bachelard's theory of poetic reverie, Beatriz stands as an idealization of Dante's own desire for virtue.




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