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Gender-based violence (GBV) is a public-health problem that causes physical, sexual and/or psychological harm based on whether an individual belongs to either the male or female gender, in different contexts, such as education. Specifically, universities are required to transcend GBV statistics towards a recognition of the everyday practices whereby the university addresses this problem, in order to generate effective strategies. Accordingly, this research aims to evaluate the use of Design Thinking (DT) tools for the prevention of GBV in the university context, based on qualitative research with an Action Research (IA) approach, applying the phases described in the DT over the course of the project, through the development of various techniques and tools. We worked with a group of 12 students from different faculties of a university in San Juan de Pasto (Colombia), through a course/workshop led by the researchers. The research therefore made it possible to involve students in an initial understanding of GBV within the university context, through an awareness of the different types and forms of violence, and the importance of creating proposals for the prevention of GBV. By way of conclusion, it may be inferred that the presence of GBV is naturalized and made invisible as a result of limited research on GBV and few proposals on the prevention of this problem in university contexts. This highlights the relevance of strengthening proposals to prevent GBV, based on innovative tools such as DT.
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