

How to Cite
Durán González, R. E., & Mendoza Mendoza , S. (2022). Gender violence from the perspective of the indigenous girls of Acaxochitlán. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 20(1), 9–23. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.5598 (Original work published March 16, 2022)
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Girls witness gender-based violence, but they are as well recipients of violence as part of their education for adult life. Girls may not know that their right to a life free form violence is being violated, but they do know and feel that their brothers have more time to play and receive more resources and attention. This reflection is based on the testimonies of girls in an indigenous context, who expressed in focus groups how they are treated as girls, as well as in relation to boys in the family, school, and community spaces. The analysis started from the gender perspective, especially from the approach that maintains that the patriarchal system builds and reproduces gender inequality in all areas of life, regardless of social status or ethnicity. It is corroborated that girls learn from early childhood that they, their sisters, their mother, and all women they know are there to assist their male counterparts, without any recognition or retribution, that is, girls are educated to accept unequal treatment in their family, school, and community.



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