

How to Cite
Soto Echavarría, C. A. (2023). Polarization and Subjectivity: A Look to the Social Tie’s Paradoxes from Psychoanalysis. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 21(1), 307–320. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.5729 (Original work published November 24, 2022)
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The following article of reflection addresses the phenomenon of polarization, a fact that has combined countless scenarios in which language is present as any other cultural event. The contexts that are taken into account as points of discussion, are perceived in the structure of the discourses that have been established at a global level, such as the case of the United States with the concept of Rogue States, as well as the context of the peace agreements in Colombia between the government and the FARC, events that have somehow marked ways of thinking about the social, the ethical and the political perspective from their geopolitical implications in a specific period of history. From there, contributions from philosophy, sociology and journalism are taken into account in order to expand the context of reflection and discussion, going through specific points around the subject of language and discourse as it is proposed from the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan, in order to provide an explanation about the effects that these processes have on subjectivity. Likewise, it is intended to account for how the subjective constitution implies identification with a discourse, which can be understood as the relationship to the Other. It is concluded that, in polarization, which is understood as a social phenomenon framed in a language structure, significant elements are played that account for certain drive dynamics in various positions of groups and collectives that have demarcated ways of bonding in logical moments of a society and; Likewise, a reflection linked to the ethics of well-saying is established, as a proposal against the elements found in the analysis of the context addressed.



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