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Sociocultural deprivation is a multicausal phenomenon that arises as a consequence of deficient stimulation in the nuclear systems family, school, community which has repercussions on the development of children and adolescents. The study was oriented from the qualitative paradigm with a biographical-narrative approach, the data collection techniques were semi-structured interviews and group discussion and involved the participation of 20 adolescents between 14 and 17 years of age from educational establishments in the city of Pasto, Colombia. The narratives of the participants reveal deficiencies in the sources of stimulation in the three nuclear systems; in the family system, permissive parental styles hinder effective regulation processes by not providing clear rules; in the school system, traditional teaching models are imposed, where teacher-student ties tend to be distant, which hinders timely mediation of learning, while in the community system, since there are no neighborhood integration processes, the participants perceive weak affective ties and lack of community social support. The experiences of adolescents in the nuclear systems are permeated by experiences of inadequate stimulation, which has negatively influenced the cognitive, affective and social development of adolescents both in the modification of their intellectual structures and the positive adaptation to social normative environments.
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