

How to Cite
Riba, J. (2022). The Effects of the Interruption in the Relationship Between Individuals and the Institution of the Social. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 20(2). https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.5846 (Original work published July 29, 2022)
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Interruption as an element of transformation has had different effects over time. Currently, the interruption of May 68 is not only the closest in time, but it is also the one that best reveals its effects in the current present. The individualization that it represented continues to be the configuring element of the institutionalization engine that Western societies experience. Therefore, conceptions such as emerging and institutional democracy can be revived today based on phenomena such as the indignados, the Arab springs, or some more recent ones, such as those that occurred in Catalonia in 2017 and the current processes in Colombia and Chile.



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