

How to Cite
Recchia Luciani, F. (2022). Traces of an Unresolved Conflict: Historical Feminism and the Invention of the Unconscious. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 20(2). https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.5884 (Original work published July 29, 2022)
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This essay investigates the gender binary through some conceptual crossings, focusing on the difficult relationship between difference feminism and psychoanalysis, especially around the “sexual” nature of the unconscious as an influential political factor. The extraordinary persistence, at the level of the collective unconscious, of the dual heterosexual ontology is analyzed in its historical evolution from De Gouges to Wollstonecraft, Woolf to De Beauvoir, and Lonzi to Melandri. The useful link to understand the durability and solidity of binary ontology, both consciously and unconsciously, lies in the intertwining between the political action that feminist movements, from the origins to the present, have undertaken to claim their rights and the theoretical-conceptual criticism of those devices in which the social organization and the material and symbolic patriarchal order have been structured and consolidated over the millennia, through the forms of male domination.



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