

How to Cite
Saldaña Duque, R. (2024). Interculturality as a Possibility for Pedagogies in Latin America. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 22(1), 23–39. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.6653 (Original work published February 6, 2024)
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The article proposes a contextual framework to account for pedagogies in Latin America from interculturality, considering the educational processes of some social movements from four moments. First, the features of the intercultural perspective in key to the configuration of the human; second, the recognition of epistemes from interculturality; third, the emergence of Latin American pedagogies from societies in motion; and four, the understanding of some anthropological and epistemic consequences that emerge from the movements analyzed for the renewal of pedagogies in Latin America. The approach of intercultural hermeneutics is differentiated by the anthropological, epistemic, and ontological, value oriented towards the recognition of the logos that emerge in cultures, emphasizing meanings and lived practices. The documentary review method in theoretical-academic and legal-regulatory sources seeks to observe organizations, political positions, subjects, and contexts. In the conclusions, the thesis of interculturality is presented as a condition of possibility for pedagogies in Latin America, based on an action that moves in the rhythms of the communities, where pedagogies arise from the margins of societies in movement around two points of view: political culture and lived culture.



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