

How to Cite
Salas Astrain, R. (2024). Limits of European Science, Critical Interculturality, and Life Worlds in Tierra del Fuego. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 22(1), 161–169. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.6695 (Original work published February 16, 2024)
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The intercultural issue of the contemporary world is linked to the criticism of the modern project of knowledge and mastery of nature as the only way of understanding human beings and their environment. This almost exclusive predominance of science and technology in the 19th century presupposes an empirical-naturalist and positivist model. The methodology is based on a hermeneutic analysis of the memories and scientific reports of two European expeditions to the southern South of America, from which the essential topics of a narrow vision of unified science are criticized. The main results of this project assume the distinction between natural and social sciences, discussed on the basis of phenomenology and hermeneutics. This critique allows clarifying the empirical-rationalist matrix that is defined by the expansion of the idea of the natural world as defined by 19th-century European science, which degrades and delegitimizes the knowledge of the worlds and of the peoples of the sea that inhabit the confines of Tierra del Fuego. It is concluded that re-examining this notion of science is a pressing issue for the intercultural revision of the idea of the world and a sustainable planet.



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