

How to Cite
Merlo Pinzón, J. A. (2024). Nietzsche in the politics of liberation by Enrique Dussel. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 23(1), 77–86. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.7107
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Nietzsche is a leading figure in contemporary philosophy, to whom the Latin American philosopher Enrique Dussel also turns to examine how the will operates in political construction. Both philosophers agree on the existence of a fundamental relationship between power and will. This potentia-voluntad acts through the introduction of mediations, such as conditional conditions (values or valuable entities), which are manifested in the potestas. However, the Dionysian and vital attitude that Nietzsche identifies only in an aristocratic subject (a superman), superior to the flock of the weak, is reconsidered by Dussel, who situates the victims of the system as capable of political empowerment through their critical consensus. This act, termed hyperpower, transcends Nietzsche's Eurocentric critique and seems to demonstrate that the third transformation of the spirit (that of the child who creates from scratch) is embodied in the actions of the victims in rethinking the political system.



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