

How to Cite
Guadarrama González, P. M. (2024). The Contemporary World as a Challenge for an Intercultural Philosophy or Thinking. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 22(1), 133–146. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.6742 (Original work published February 12, 2024)
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It is questioned whether a single philosophy can face the challenge of proposing alternative solutions to numerous issues that threaten the contemporary world. Four possibilities of cultivating philosophy are analyzed: as an aseptic exercise, aseptic detached from its historical context, as a reduction to its hermeneutic function, interpretation, limited to pragmatic immediatism or as a rational attempt to better understand reality to contribute to its transformation. Based on such attitudes, the latter is suggested as the most appropriate if it is considered in which a family of philosophical currents, among which is intercultural philosophy, can be consensually articulated to achieve a better understanding of the urgent issues that burden humanity today.



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