

How to Cite
Buitrago Escobar, A. M., Bravo Gonzalez, S., & Quintero Calvache, J. C. (2024). Effects of the Legal-Institutional Discourse for the Access to the Labor Market of the Migrant in Irregular Conditions in Colombia. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 23(1), 115–132. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.7097
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Subjects who go through migratory processes are exposed to the effects generated by discourses of a different order, which are produced in the territory of arrival. This article seeks to determine that the institutional discourse in Colombian labor laws for migrants in an irregular situation puts pressure on their identity and limits their access to the labor market, at the same time as it fails to recognize their guarantees in this sphere. The discursive and narrative theories of identity constitute the epistemological substratum of this research with a qualitative approach; of a basic, purely theoretical or dogmatic type; originating in a theoretical framework, where it remains; in addition, it is documentary which, by its nature, allows for the identification of gaps in knowledge and the reinterpretation of perspectives. In this sense, it is a study framed in the descriptive form and based on the detailed analysis of the migrant's identity, achieving its characterization (Muntané Relat, 2010, p. 221). The method used was the synthetic method, in which synthesis means reconstructing, and reintegrating the parts of the whole; but this implies going beyond the analytical operation, since it does not only represent the mechanical reconstruction of the whole but understanding its essence, knowing its basic aspects and relationships in a perspective of totality: There is no synthesis without analysis (Rojas Soriano, 1990, p. 81).



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