

Cómo citar
Barragán Abreu, O. (2021). The Metaphysical origins of language. Phenomenological Reflections about language in M. Heidegger. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.3191 (Original work published 9 de agosto de 2017)
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In his most famous work, Sein und Zeit, M.Heidegger does a brief analysis of language in the frame of the being-in as such. In it, he relates this phenomenon with the opening of Dasein, understanding, affective disposition, listening and silence. Nevertheless, we consider that to reach a broader understanding of language from Heidegger's approach; we cannot limit ourselves to a Sein und Zeit, rather we must analyze his principal lessons and conferences about the topic and relate also to the complete ontological structure of Dasein when asking the question about being. Therefore, we propose that language understands, means and expresses the being from the complete ontological structure of Dasein and when it becomes everydayness, it drags language, which inevitably becomes gossip (Gerede). We use the phenomenological method, also applying for hermeneutics a synthesis of its main lessons regarding the topic approximately between 1920 and 1940. The conclusion is that, paradoxically, language understood as listening (Hören), poetically determines the return, the resolution (Entschlossenheit) and the opening (Entschlossenheit) of Dasein to the question of being in its fullness.

Palabras clave:


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