

How to Cite
Bertone, M. S., Díaz Granados, E. A., Vallejos, M., & Muniello, J. (2017). Differences in social cognition between male prisoners with antisocial personality or psychotic disorder. International Journal of Psychological Research, 10(2), 15–24. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.2903
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The objective of this work is to discriminate between different neurocognitive circuits involved in empathy, one of
them linked to emotional processing and the other associated with cognitive function. This is evaluated through
the use of neuropsychological tools (Hinting Task, Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test and Cambridge Mind
Reading Test) empathic cognition and empathic emotion. In this study, 57 male prisoners were divided into
three groups: psychotic patients (20), antisocial patients (17), and a control group (20). Patients with psychosis
were found to have significantly lower scores than the antisocial and control groups in a social reasoning test,
but using tests of emotional recognition, we found that both psychotic patients and antisocial subjects scored
significantly lower than the control group.



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