

How to Cite
Romero-Acosta, K. ., Gómez-de-Regil, L., Lowe, G. A. ., Garth E. , L., & Gibson, R. C. . (2021). Parenting Styles, Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in Child/Adolescent. International Journal of Psychological Research, 14(1), 12–32. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.4704
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Objective: To analyse the possible direct and interactive associations of sex, age and parenting styles with symptoms of depression and anxiety. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 710 students ranging from 8 to 13 years (mean age 10.8 years [±0.75]), the most of them males (n = 422,59.4%), completed three screening instruments: a parenting practices scale and two self-reports for evaluating anxiety and depressive symptoms. Two hierarchical multiple regression analyses were performed. Results: Authoritative (38.6%) and neglectful (38%) parenting styles were predominant. Symptoms of depression —F(3,706) = 3.12,p = .03— and anxiety —F(3,706) = 2.83,p = .4— differed by parenting styles. Students with a neglectful parenting style reported significant lower generalized anxiety symptoms than those whose parents used authoritative parenting. Clinical implications: Children ages 8 to 13 years-old with authoritative  parenting style should be evaluated for possible presence of generalized anxiety symptoms.



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