

How to Cite
Fuentes-Balderrama, J., Cruz del Castillo, C., Ojeda García, A., Díaz Loving, R., Turnbull Plaza, B., & Parra Cardona, J. R. (2020). The Effects of Parenting Styles on Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors: A Mexican Preadolescents Study. International Journal of Psychological Research, 13(1), 9–18. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.4478
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Parental practices such as inconsistent discipline, psychological control, and imposition have been linked to the development of internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors in preadolescents. This study aimed to identify the association these practices had on Mexican preadolescent problem behaviors through Structural Equation Modeling. The sample consisted of 306 elementary students from three public schools in Mexico City (age M = 10, SD = 0.92). Students completed subscales from the Parental Practice Scale, the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire, and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Paternal imposition and maternal psychological control were significant predictors for internalizing problems, while inconsistent discipline was a significant predictor of externalizing problems. The results highlight that although parental practice
values might differ across cultures, their association to problem behaviors are similar.



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