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Bakare, B., & Jordanova, V. (2020). Psychometric Properties of a Brief Screening Measure for ADHD in Adults. International Journal of Psychological Research, 13(2), 78–88. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.4511
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The use of screening tools is an effective and practical approach within the clinical diagnostic assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults. Existing screening measures for adult ADHD have focused on a younger population. Subsequently, the current study aimed to evaluate the utility and general usability of an adapted four-item screening tool for adult ADHD: a brief version of the Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS-brief), within a middle-aged population. The sample consisted of 69 adults, aged between 30 and 63 (age M= 45, SD=6.95), who had been referred to a specialist adult ADHD outpatients clinic. Using factor analysis, the WURS-brief screening measure was compared to existing ADHD diagnostic tools that were used as reference measures within the analysis. The WURS-brief had respectable sensitivity when compared with existing diagnostic tools. This study highlights the importance of validating brief screening measures for middle-aged adults with ADHD within clinical settings and offers suggestions for future research. 



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