

How to Cite
Alzate-Pamplona, F. A. (2020). IJPR in PubMed Central: A contribution to the Latin America’s Scientific Production and Edition. International Journal of Psychological Research, 13(2), 9–13. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.4852
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This article had two objectives: 1. Identify the Latin American journals in PMC, discriminate them by country, fields of knowledge, and indexations in Scopus and Web of Science (WOS). 2. Identify Colombian journals, especially those that could be potential publications for PMC. To fulfill the objectives, the list of PMC journals, the Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) database, the main WOS collection, the Publindex bibliographic index database were examined and the journals were categorized by field of knowledge, following the classification model of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). As a result, it was found that of the 3194 journals indexed in PMC, 40 are from Latin America (1.25%). Of these, 39 are in Scopus and 25 in WOS, 36 are from Brazil and 2 belong to the field of psychology. In Colombia, 275 journals indexed in Publindex were found, 63 belong to the medical and health sciences, biological sciences, and psychology; 27 are found in Scopus, 8 in WOS, and 2 in PMC. It was concluded that there is a low indexation in PMC of Latin American journals and the inclusion of two psychology journals was highlighted. Colombia has quality journals and international recognition that can advance to indexing in MEDLINE and PMC.



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