

How to Cite
Robles Francia, V. H. (2013). The complementarity of dilemma discussion with theoretical reading for an effective intervention in moral judgment. International Journal of Psychological Research, 6(1), 84–93. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.707
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At present there is great interest in moral education to achieve a straight democracy, a healthy coexistence between all actors and social minorities and a lasting peace. What has guided this research partially effective development of moral reasoning skills. Also, because this subject shows limited field explorations and void effective interventions in Mexico. In particular, this research showed the following hypothesis: effective complementarity discursive exposure Kohlberg's theory to the discussion of moral dilemmas. The Moral Judgment Test was applied as pretest to 19 undergraduates, as intermediate test and final test. There were two phases: the first was on discussion of moral dilemmas, at the rate of seven sessions, one per week; the second one was made through a session and expository reading on the theory of moral judgment. The results showed a decline of moral judgment in the first intervention phase and a significant increase after the second phase.



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