

How to Cite
Krumm, G., & Lemos, V. (2012). Artistic activities and creativity in argentinian school-age children. International Journal of Psychological Research, 5(2), 40–48. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.735
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This work intended to assess whether performing artistic activities influence Creativity. To this end, 301 children aged 8-14 years were assessed. Creativity was studied from a multicomponent assessment, by means of diverse techniques (i.e., sociograms, tests and scales) and different informants (i.e., peers, parents and the child himself/herself). The results consistently indicated that children who perform artistic activities obtained higher scores in Creativity assessed by: the creation of drawings (figural test of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking), parental assessment and the child’s creative personality self-assessment (Creative personality scale hetero and auto-evaluation version, Garaigordobil, 2004) and peer assessment (Garaigordobil’s Sociogram “Creative peer”, 2004).



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