

How to Cite
Cardoso, K., & Zaro , M. A. (2024). Monitoring learning in nursing using the electroencephalogram and Intrinsic Motivation Inventory – IMI. International Journal of Psychological Research, 17(2), 76–83. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.7361
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Abstract — The objectives of this study were to develop the Laboratory of Immersive Learning in Health and Nursing - LIASE, based on the main themes of biosafety in health, and to evaluate the learning process of undergraduate nursing students from a public federal university through portable Electroencephalogram (EEG) Emotiv Insight 2.0, observation, and Intrinsic Motivation Inventory. The present research contains a qualitative-quantitative, exploratory, and experimental methodology from a pilot virtual laboratory, developed in the Immersive Virtual World - IVW, represented in this study by Second Life - SL. The sample consisted of 17 students who agreed with the inclusion criteria of the study. Among them, 9 students had stable EEG signals. Those students were observed during the monitoring of brain activity by the EEG, and at the end of the proposed learning pathway, they filled out the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory. Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI). The results were obtained through triangulation of the different collection instruments and the variables - Stress, Enthusiasm/Excitement, Engagement, Focus/attention, and Relaxation, measured and verified by the Emotiv algorithm's brain wave analysis, which algorithm which correspond to the metrics of brain performance.



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