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Villalba Morales, M. L., Robledo Velásquez, J., & Builes Beltrán, C. (2016). Strategic analysis of collaboration between national and multinational companies of software in Colombia using dynamics system. International Journal of Psychological Research, 9(1), 83–97. https://doi.org/10.21500/20112084.2104
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The multinationals software companies are economic agents with the potential of affecting drastically the dynamics of development of the domestic industry in this sector. These effects depend on the type of relationship (competition or cooperation) between the companies. On the relationship of competition, the literature reveals progress in their systemic understanding. However, the analysis of collaborative behavior among national and multinational software companies and their effects on the development of the latter has advanced little, being notable in the literature the absence of simulation models to analyze the phenomenon. The purpose of this work is to make a contribution in this way, using the system dynamics as a methodological approach. The results obtained demonstrate the conditions favorable and unfavorable to the establishment of a relationship of collaboration with multinational, leading to a better understanding of the phenomenon under study and facilitating the formulation and implementation of most successful growth strategies of the industry

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