

How to Cite
Flórez-Alarcón, L., & Gantiva, C. (2012). Double parallel processing in crisis situation: motivational foundation. Psychologia, 6(1), 105–121. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.1174
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The aim of this paper is to present a cognitive-behavioral model that explains the crisis situation (CS) in terms of intense motivational involvement and support from there a Brief Motivational Intervention proposal (IMB) in CS. The CS is conceptualized as a time of severe stress, accompanied by a profound alteration in the substantial motivation of the person, with a predominance of motives of escape and avoidance generated by the emotional pain occurred, the state requires a person to implement strategies focused coping in the management of target damage, and in the search for emotional relief consideration that gives rise to the name "Double Parallel Processing in CS" (DPP-CS). Brief intervention is understood as the involvement of motivational processes to enable the person to take decisions to cope, emotional and instrumental, that place it in the direction of emotional release or settlement of the crisis. We conclude with a summary about the three basic sources that are taken from the psychological literature to inform the design of the DPP-CS: Double extended parallel processing, cognitive theory of stress and coping and layered formulation in cognitive therapy.



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