

How to Cite
Reyes-Parra, P., Martinez, M. C. J., & Lara-Báez, C. (2017). Selective and sustained attention of workers of two different shifts in the day. Psychologia, 11(2), 113–120. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.3059
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Although the importance of the psychological process of attention and how it to contributes productive capacity and achieving efficient and effective results during the development of daily tasks has been recognized, it has not been sufficiently studied in workers of companies or organizations. This research sought to identify what selective and sustained attention is like in the workers to two different shifts in the day (morning and afternoon); Additional variables such as age, schooling and gender were investigated to see if they affected performance. We applied the computer program Vienna Test System sub-test cognitron form S1 to 184 university workers. Data was analyzed using a regression model and t-test for independent samples. The findings showed that selective attention is greater in the morning, while sustained attention is maintained throughout the day. As for the other variables analyzed, it was evidenced that age was the only predictor of performance, as workers of a younger age performed better. These results contribute to the planning of activities in the workplace and complements the studies in the area of the basic psychological processes.



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