

How to Cite
Quintero López, C., Meneses Meza, L. M. ., Holguín Ortiz, S. A. ., Salcedo Flerez, M., & Gil Vera, V. D. . (2022). Attention and executive functions un Specific Learning Disorder. Psychologia, 16(1), 23–39. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.5432 (Original work published June 1, 2022)
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Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) is a disorder of biological origin, which interferes with the development of academic skills in reading, writing and arithmetic, persistent throughout the life cycle. The aim of this paper was to identify the characteristics of the cognitive processes of attention and executive functions (EF) in the TEAPZ, through the development of a systematic literature review (SLR) using the methodology proposed by Pati and Lorusso (2018), in order to answer the following research question: Q1 What are the characteristics of attention and EF in the TEAPZ? The search period was between 2014 and 2021. The scientific databases; Scopus and WoS were reviewed. This paper concludes that the diagnosis of TEAPZ in the cognitive process of attention is associated with difficulties in search, visual tracking and processing speed, in EF there are deficits in planning, inhibitory control and working memory.


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