

How to Cite
Hewitt Ramírez, N., Junca Usma, S. J., Guevara Franco, D. C., Olaya, M. C., Contreras Arciniegas, Y. F., Vélez Botero, H. J., & Flórez Alarcón, L. (2023). Perspectiva de tiempo futuro en adolescentes escolarizados de dos ciudades de Colombia. Psychologia, 17(2), 69–82. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.6539 (Original work published June 1, 2023)
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The future perspective time is a cognitive motivational multidimensional process which influences the decisions of the teenagers about their future. This study pretended to analyze the relation between PTF and sociodemographic variables age, education level, gender and the city of residence, in a sample of 982 students, with ages between 12 and 18 years old, with a lower middle socioeconomic level, belonging to five schools in two cities in Colombia. Through an empirical analytical cross-sectional study, with correlational design, applied the questionnaire "Young people and the future" to measure the dimensions of attitude and temporal orientation and temporal extension. The results showed that 11th grade students, female gender, living in Acacías city, present the highest average in attitude and temporarily orientation dimensions. There were significant evidenced correlations between attitude, temporarily orientation, and temporal extensions dimensions with the sociodemographics variables studies. Which confirmes that the teenagers of both genders show interested in the future planning, which is higher based on level education and depends of the context were they live.

Keywords: Future time perspective, adolescence, Motivation, temporarily extension, temporarily orientation, sociodemographic variables.


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