

How to Cite
Alarcón, R., & Caycho Rodríguez, T. (2015). Relations between gratitude and happiness in university students of metropolitan Lima. Psychologia, 9(1), 59–69. https://doi.org/10.21500/19002386.993
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Probable relationship between gratitude, as measured by the Scale developed by Alarcón gratitude and happiness, as measured by the Scale
of Happiness Lima, is analyzed both developed by the same autor. The study is substantive in nature, with a predictive causal trans design in which 300 people, 147 males and 153 females, aged between 20 and 30 who are studying in public and private universities in Lima. Among the main results we note that the factors of gratitude, reciprocity and moral obligation positively and significantly correlated with happiness (r
= .294, p < .01; r = .293, p < .01), as well as factors positive sense of life, life satisfaction and fulfillment of happiness scale. The benefit
received thanks and satisfaction that entails tends to be related to positive experiences and attitudes towards life, satisfaction with what has
been achieved and self-reliance and emotional tranquility. Emotional quality is positively and significantly associated with happiness (r =
.218, p < .05) and satisfaction with life. Between gratitude and happiness no statistically significant differences between men and women are
observed. To determine which of the factors best predict Gratitude happiness, there has been a multiple regression analysis, identifying varying reciprocity explains 8.7% of the total variance of the happiness variable. In conclusion, it appears that gratitude and happiness positively and significantly correlated (r = .318, p < .01).



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