

How to Cite
Parada-Trujillo, A. E., & Avendaño C., W. R. (2013). Scopes of application of Reuven Feuerstein’s structural cognitive modifiability theory. Ágora USB, 13(2), 443–458. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.103
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An exploration of Reuven Feuerstein's cognitive structural modifiability (CSM) theory, in relation to the scope of its application, is made in the article. For this reason, a compilation of studies in Latin America, The United States, and Europe, is made, in order to identify thedifferent scenarios in which the theory can be applied. The results show that Feuerstein's theory is linked to the concept of human development and that the systems created, based on the CSM, allow the reduction of the cultural deprivation of many people, regardless of the endogenous factors that affect it.



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