

How to Cite
Carvajal Flórez, E. (2009). Enviromental and Social Impact of the Pouring of Solid Waste and Debris About the Quality of the Medellin River and Some of its Affluents. Ágora USB, 9(1), 225–265. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.1410
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This research aims at evaluating the influence of the pouring of home solid waste and debris about the quality of the Medellin River and some of its main tributaries such as the La Hueso, La Iguaná and La García streams, under sanitary, environmental, and social criteria. A theoretical-practical method was used, which deals the issue of the inadequate disposal of home waste and debris on the hillsides and beds of streams being the object of the study, establishing in the social reality a truthful and timely explanation of the occurrence of those practices of disposal. The field work contributed to carry out the monitoring of the quality of water through the application of parameters like DBO , DQO, 5 suspended, dissolved and sedimentary solids, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity and cloudiness, as well as the quantity and the determination of the physical make-up of some of the materials found on the banks and the hillsides which are next to the riverbed. Likewise, the granulometric make-up of debris and dragging materials was determined, the causes leading to the situation were analyzed and a management scheme was drawn up and it included each and every one of the components of the integral management of solid waste. The field trips and the qualitative and quantitative research methods, allowed the classification of streams under three key issues: The La García Stream with recurring pouring of debris; the La Hueso Stream with dragging materials as a consequence of the exploitation of quarry and the La Iguaná Stream with the pouring of home solid waste. In general terms, it can be deduced that the transformation of the landscape of every stream is high, due to the anthropic intervention related to the exploitation of materials, pouring of waste water, debris, home waste, livestock and the like. All of these factors, in turn, generate problems such as erosion, loss of the layers of vegetation, smelly odors, proliferation of vectors, among others, as well as the serious hydraulic problems which cause undermining of banks, overflowing and floods, which affect those communities near the small basins. Lastly, the analysis of causality determined that the origin of the issue studied not only falls on the source, but it becomes a shared responsibility of environmental authorities, cleaning enterprises, control authorities, etc. The management scheme proposed has as its fundamental pillar “Education and Prevention,” interwined with a regulatory framework and social and technical elements, are necessary components in order to guarantee that the whole management of waste materials works satisfactorily in the region



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