

How to Cite
Coronado Bohórquez, A. E., Moreno López, N. M., & Torres Gómez, A. C. (2016). A Strategy for the recognition of the cultural identity and the sense of belonging of Latin American immigrants. Ágora USB, 16(2), 383–392. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.2449
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It is necessary to train school managers and teachers volunteers, who can implement
pedagogical strategies, which improve the teaching-learning process, in which its main factor is the rescue of the cultural identity and the sense of belonging in Latin America. Thus, a study, which generates inputs for teacher training in cognitive and pedagogical skills for the cultural education, the consultancy on the design of teaching activities for the development of such a teaching, for the immigrant population of the State of Massachusetts - United States, is introduced.


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