

How to Cite
Ramírez Monsalve, E., & Jiménez Builes, J. A. (2016). Construction of citizenships in societies with high conflict and crisis levels by means of a pedagogical initiative. Ágora USB, 16(2), 591–602. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.2450
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A training process is proposed, where the constitutional deals with a training space, on the understanding that it refers to central aspects of ethical, cultural, and legal order of citizen formation, on the other hand, the educational benchmarks are enrolled in a democratic culture of respect, observance and promotion of human rights, plurality and negotiated treatment of conflicts. The initiative provides aspects relating to the management of development, the formation of educational networking, public and communication strategies for the construction of the public debate as a
training aspect, geared toward the Colombian territory.



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