

How to Cite
Acevedo Muriel, A. F., & Murcia Rubiano, Ángela M. (2017). Emotional Intelligence and Fifth-Grade Learners’ Learning Process at a Nationalized State Educational Institution. Ágora USB, 17(2), 545–555. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.3290
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The fact of determining the relationship between emotional intelligence and fifth-grade learners’ learning process at the Nationalized State Educational Institution at the La Carrera branch in the Municipality of Paime, Cundinamarca, Colombia, allowed to verify and to generate discussion on the relationship between emotional intelligence and fifth-grade learners’ learning. There, it can be noted that the greater the support and the strengthening of emotional intelligence are, both in the school ambiance and in the family and society, the greater the learner’s learning process development is.



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