

How to Cite
Arias Correa, G., Montoya Roldán, E., & Gladys Romero, M. (2009). Manifestations of disruptive behavior and perturbation. Behavior in normal populations of 4 and 17 years of age. Ágora USB, 9(1), 17–33. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.403
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This current paper shows the results of a research whose aim was to identify highprobability cases showing externalizing behaviors in the normal population, a crosssection study was designed with a sample of 444 participants, who were given the SNAPIV (Swanson, Nolan & Pelham, 1983). The results showed differences in the Information provided by each one of the sources (parents and teachers) as well as the presence of behaviors with high-risk probability, which may be intervened in the school or family setting.



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Manifestaciones de Conducta Disruptiva y Comportamiento Perturbador en Población Normal de 4 A 17 Años de Edad. 33


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