

How to Cite
Olaya Martínez, A. (2020). Routes against silence: An analysis of the mechanisms for the management and prevention of sexual harassment within the University of Antioquia (Colombia). Ágora USB, 20(1), 142–156. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.4137
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At a historic moment for feminism in which conversation about sexual harassment takes hold, this work decides to inquire about the role of universities as institutions that must ensure the safety, integrity, and health of their students; specifically the University of Antioquia. This text asks about the existence of a protocol, which supports students who are victims of sexual harassment at the university, and it uses a methodology, which is divided into three stages: the first stage explores academic and legal concepts that provide a guidance on the protocols that should be found. In the second stage, the findings of the first stage are analyzed in a critical way, and in the third stage, the construction and suggestion of a protocol that conforms to the context of the University of Antioquia is carried out. Finally, a number of conclusions are presented around these protocols and the importance of a formal institutional policy that prevents, sanctions, and sensitizes on the issue.



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