

How to Cite
Valencia Grajales, J. F., Álvarez, B. E., Amaya, J. E., & Escudero, F. (2009). Is There a Political Culture in the Senior High School Students at “Guillermo Taborda Restrepo” High School in the City of Medellin?. Ágora USB, 9(2), 427–452. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.419
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This article, which was fruit of a research, aims at answering this question “Do senior high school students at “Guillermo Taborda Restrepo” in 2008 have an idea or an approach of what the Political Culture means? Or what type of knowledge do they have about what politics means? How does the Political System work? And how does the System of Parties which makes up the Political System work? And how about the values? The selection of this institution is circumstantial and the sample is made at random in order to carry out a broader research about the issue based on the results of the current research in order to determine the type of perceptions, Political Culture or knowledge are necessary to promote in order to design with them a Constituent Manual. This learning shows that participation could be the main reason of democracy, based on the equilibrium between activity and indifference, combining obedience and respect with authority, of the groups which participate in the interests and the issues, to determine if they are apathetic or not to the democratic and participation stimuli or how they behave before the cultural phenomena or the agents who have influenced decisively in their political behavior



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