

How to Cite
Londoño Orozco, E. (2009). From the “World ethics” to the “Universal Fraternity.” The Franciscan Response to the World Globalization and the Heterogeneity of Cultures. Ágora USB, 9(2), 571–591. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.426
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Humanity has been characterized by the diversity of races, cultures, religions and views of the world. Expecting to have a universal ethics was a possible reality for Christianity since the 10 Commandments covered every man and the whole humanity. Nonetheless, thanks to the globalization and the development of mass media, we can realize that the cultures with their systems of values, traditions and beliefs have complementary, different and at times, contradictory proposals or the Christian position. Hans Küng has been working for years on a “Universal Ethics” based on the great religions. Although this proposal has a quite meaningful development and scope, we think it is interesting to contrast the proposal which originated from the experience of Francis of Assisi and after Franciscanism, of a “Universal Fraternity” like the world ethics which could reach every men and cultures



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