

How to Cite
Moreno Carmona, N. D., Andrade Rodríguez, R. A., Hernández Burbano, A., García Pulgarín, S., & Villegas García, D. (2021). Strengths for Socialization in Homeless People in the City of Medellin. Ágora USB, 21(1), 167–185. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.4562
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This study seeks to understand whether an intervention developed with homeless people in Medellin, Colombia, favored the strengthening of some of the participants’ assets, related to their resocialization, based on the perspective of Positive
Development. A comprehensive study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with three people, who participated in a resocialization program. It was ascertained by the presence of internal and external strengths, for their primary and secondary socialization, their path on the street, the process lived in the program, and what happened to them after their leaving the program. The results showed
that the main driver of subjective change and what made them not to return to the street was the modification of the relationship with themselves.



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