

How to Cite
Angarita Cáceres, R. G. (2022). Gender differences in experimental studies of resource allowed with the participation of children. Ágora USB, 22(1), 486–508. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.4738
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The article pretends to demonstrate that experimental works that has as a main object to examine the principles of distributive justice in children can be read from their relation with the gender demographic variable. When this critical reading is done from a thematic review it is possible to observe that those studies, in general terms, show findings in three directions: the absence of gender differentiation, non-significant differences and significant differences. These results, however, are directly linked to the participants’ age and to specificities of the experiment methodologies. To give an account of these aspects, the text has been divided in three parts: first-party studies, third-party studies and cultural comparisons.



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