

How to Cite
Vásquez Martínez, C. R., Carrillo, F., Oros, lya, Álvarez, M., & Morfin, M. (2015). Implications for the development of people through teacher training in settings in which there are universal developmental processes, mediated by virtual interaction. Ágora USB, 15(1), 129–135. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.6
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The present text, includes discussions and reflections derived from several studies in which the participation of the actors that make up the current information society as constants of higher education in Mexico are described, analyzed, and made evident, as well as the palliatives emanating from it, transmission of information and the current training processes, the challenge of building signs and symbols when the signals are no longer controlled by the traditional pedagogical device, which requires, in a changing context, that higher education is no longer a selfsufficient interior, making the production of subjectivity possible by the disciplinary and control classes, legitimized by means of old and new technologies.



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