

How to Cite
Villa Holguín, E. (2023). From the Characterization of the Dwelling Population to the Accompaniment in the Construction of Experiences of Resistance to Dispossession, in the Urban Conflict in the City of Medellin. Ágora USB, 23(1), 300–315. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.6493
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In the midst of the advance of the urban intervention of the alliances between the officialdom and the financial guilds for the benefit of the private sector, which took place in the first two decades of the 21st century in the city of Medellin, some considerations are made on the contextual conditions in which the phenomenon of resistance of the population named dweller in the city of Medellin and the metropolitan area emerges. Thus, some initiatives and experiences of community organization are systematized, whose social subjects overcome the bets of collective work, in the midst of the adversities of the problems of their world of life of the subjectivity that lives from the dispossession by urbanism.



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