

How to Cite
Bontempo e Silva, L., Flores Macías, R. D. C., & Ramírez Ramírez, L. N. (2012). The construction of the personal identity and the development of the self-authorship. Ágora USB, 12(2), 421–436. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.83
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This article intends to justify the importance of analyzing the link between identity and selfauthorship. Understanding identity, based on Giddens' (1997) and Ricoeur's (1996) proposal, as a narrative construction starting from a reflection of the individual on his own biography. In accordance with Baxter Magolda's approach (2004), self-authorship is understood as the ability the individual has to make sense of his experiences based on his own values and beliefs. Thus, we argue about the advantages of this integration to understand the young people, and we attempt to show that the analysis of epistemological beliefs of the individual is fundamental to understanding the construction of his identity as a reflective process.



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