

How to Cite
Duque Daza, J. (2013). Conceptions of politics and its implications on civil service: about the fundamentals of public decisions. Ágora USB, 13(1), 421–436. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.97
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 This article being the result of a research presents three conceptions about politics and its relationship with civil service. Each conception corresponds to one of the approaches about power and its implications on civil service. It is argued that an approach that assumes strategic and communicative components regarding politics, can provide a viable orientation; both social and inclusive, conducive to public affairs and to decision-making by authorities and officials. It deals with what the civil service should be and how it should be guided, for the sole benefit of the collective purposes, and by democratic criteria and inclusion, in contrast with those who support unilateral positions, either from domination and imposition, or from the regulatory idea of non-coercive consensus.



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