

How to Cite
Cote Daza, S. P., & Barón Chivara, J. A. (2019). Diagnóstico de emprendedores en una zona de post-acuerdo: (Putumayo) en Colombia. Revista Internacional De Cooperación Y Desarrollo, 6(2), 133–145. https://doi.org/10.21500/23825014.4162
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Through the participation in the Third Macro Conference for Reconciliation in Putumayo (Department of Colombia), a series of regional needs have been identified in the areas of production, accounting, brand development, marketing, and customer loyalty. These needs arise from different conditions such as the long distances to the main cities, difficult access to training, few opportunities to work along with government agencies in improving the development of activities, among others, that end up hinder the efforts and work of the entrepreneurs. In light of these factors, it was developed from October 2018 to May 2019, an advisory initiative to link entrepreneurs and academicist with companies of emerging regions that needed assistance and counseling. This research was developed following the principles of the Action Research methodology, identifying the problem in order to devise a work plan to strengthen the entrepreneurs. Firstly, the status of the entrepreneurs’ soft skills was examined, and then their enterprises characterized. The results were obtained from visits to the department of Putumayo and the application of these two instruments.


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